Wrinkles At An Early Age Do You Know The 6 Reasons For The Impression Of Age?


Are you worried about wrinkles or age marks on your body at an early age? Well, a couple of wrinkles what a horrible tension these young women these days have noticed? I'm not saying it's bad to look at yourself. But is there any reason to view your body's normal aging process in such a negative light? Or is it the result of cosmetic brand ads that say wrinkles on your face mean your life is over!

There is no hope if you can't stop wrinkles! Didn't the racist ads of these brands of 'fair cream' already do enough harm to our society? Why are we still giving them a chance? When it comes to wrinkles, we must first accept the 'aging process'. Admittedly it is inevitable and extremely normal! Our target will be - AGING BEAUTIFULLY, STOPPING THE CLOCK - no!


Then we have to go to the first step of this beautiful aging process, and that is to keep the skin healthy; So that the impression of our age is at the right stage at the right time. And so you need to know the reasons behind the wrinkles on the body at an early age. That is what I will tell you today.


The cause of wrinkles in the body at an early age


The main enemy of the skin is sunlight. No matter how oily or sticky your sunscreen may be, this excuse doesn't make sense to your skin. Sun rays and stove fire break down collagen in the skin. That is why the skin tends to get thinner and sag. Gradually wrinkles are formed.


2. Smoking

As a result of smoking, fine lines can be seen around the face. At the same time, its chemicals reduce the level of vitamin C in the body. Which reduces the rate of protection of the skin from the sun's rays. This results in double sun damage. You will be amazed to see the difference between the skin of a cigarette lover and a non-smoker! Try to avoid passive smoking. But it is more harmful. If there is any ignorant person around you, you must forbid him to smoke around you.


3. Fat-free diet

Nowadays, everyone is always on top of the diet. There are many people who do not eat the necessary body fat year after year. But did you know that one of the main functions of fat is to keep the skin moisturized? This lotion cannot be applied with oil from the outside. Dry skin is prone to fine lines or wrinkles very quickly. And this is why nowadays very young teenagers or young women who do not acquire any proper knowledge by ‘dieting’ on their own all day long, the beauty of their skin is decreasing, the fineline is increasing.

By eating 1 bowl of red meat or sweets in one day and eating carrot pieces for 10 days, you are only harming yourself by trying to atone for your sins. Instead, practice a daily controlled diet. Must eat essential fats. Remember that only those who do not have a little knowledge believe in a thing called 'Fat Free Diet'.


4. Makeup technique

Have you ever noticed exactly how long you are pulling around the eyes with a brush or finger while applying eye makeup? About 30 minutes! For a complex look. Our eye area skin is thinner than a tissue paper, you know? One day you will try to apply makeup on a piece of tissue with your soft, gentle brushes! It will tear before 5 minutes. So you are doing Rose Eye makeup with more pressure, you are trying to rub that makeup again with double triple pressure.

What if you do not read the fine line! Remember, makeup works even if you don't do it daily. And if you have to, use an oil cleanser to remove it. Do not rub with oil and cloth. Every touch on the side of the eye increases the chances of your fine line. Keep it in mind and reach for the makeup brush.


5. Gravity

Gravity is a very natural factor. The normal gravity of the earth is largely responsible for the normal aging of our skin and loose skin. Due to the collagen and normal elasticity of our skin at an early age, this downward tension does not have much effect. But do you know when this gravity will start showing effects at the age of 20? When you spend 7-8 hours a day sitting in the following position. Surely many people are sitting and reading this article on the phone! If so, sit up straight. Bring your phone to i-level.

Sit in such a way that your neck and chin do not bend.

Excessive use of smartphones has led to the opening of the jaw, neck and double chin and wrinkles in this area have now become a huge problem. Doctors have also given a name to this type of age mark - TECH JOWLS. Can't believe it? Type it and do a Google search. Hundreds of Tech Joles will get horror stories.


6. Facial expressions

Sad but true, excessive smiling, frowning and other facial expressions can lead to premature wrinkles on the skin. Special jump lines, crochet fit wrinkles around the eyes and forehead wrinkles. But, will I sit with a sullen face all day? Of course not! But raising the eyebrows unnecessarily, looking at the eyebrows, but all this can be reduced, right? There are many people whose eyesight is decreasing day by day. But without using the right glasses, they try to look at the eyebrows all day with difficulty.

Dark circles and wrinkles are two problems at the same time. Notice if you are frowning for no reason or making unnecessary gestures. A little precaution works to prevent premature wrinkles. Who knows, maybe these good habits will keep you away from unnecessary wrinkles in the middle of your eyebrows, wrinkles on your forehead and crooked feet around your eyes for 10 years!


7. Lack of sleep

According to the normal rules of the body, the repair work of the body starts from 10 pm. But you can't stay without Facebooking until 3 o'clock at night. As a result, these repairing hormones become confused as to whether they will repair damaged skin or keep the body awake. Thus, year after year, the power of these hormones is permanently lost. And you get a dry flaky skin that fills in the fine line!

Make it a habit to prepare your body for sleep. You have to sleep 7-8 hours every day. Excess fluorescent light disrupts the normal sleep cycle. So use the night light setting for yourself. If you use PC, you will have the same setting turned on. This will not interfere with sleep due to brain blue light. Do not light the fluorescent bowl after dusk. Only use Yellow Light. You can keep lavender essential oil close at hand. Put 1 drop on the pillow.

The scent of lavender reduces stress and helps you sleep. Remember, one night's sleep works better than a 10,000 rupees cosmetic. And the deeper the sleep, the better. At the same time healthy body, beautiful skin, you will get both.

With age, there is nothing to fear or hate reading Wrinkle. We will all grow old. Our knowledge will increase, experience will increase. But the age of the skin is 30 and 12 years of immaturity in one's common sense! Don't let that happen!


Tell me who is hurting you by throwing more wrinkles in the thoughts of Wrinkle?

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