Use 5 Natural Face Washes to Get Rid of Acne

 Acne is a disorder that is affecting more and more people. Acne can ruin the beauty of our face. Acne can have serious psychological consequences. For example, increased oiliness of the skin, accumulation of dust and dirt, changes in hormones, not taking adequate amount of water and proper food can cause acne. We all know that soap or face wash should not be used for acne. Because soap or face wash contains a lot of alkali and chemicals. So it is not right to use it in case of acne on your face.

During this time your skin becomes more sensitive. So you need to take extra care of your skin at this time. If the skin is not cleaned regularly, bacteria, dust and oil accumulate on the skin, closing the pores and causing acne. So let's know today how to use 5 natural face washes to get rid of acne!


5 natural face wash making rules

1)Face wash of uptan and neem


Uptan face wash needs to be made-

1. Uptan - 1 teaspoon

2. Raw turmeric paste - 1 teaspoon

3. Fresh neem leaves - 1/4 teaspoon bata

4. Lemon juice or orange lemon juice - 1 teaspoon


Terms of use

Put all the above ingredients together and apply on the face. You can take a little more if you want and keep it in the refrigerator for 3/4 days. Each time you wash your face, massage it with a small amount and wait until it dries. If you use this mixture for only 7 days, you will get rid of acne on your face!


2) Turmeric face wash


Rules for making yellow face wash-

1. Raw milk - 1 teaspoon

2. Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon

3. Aloe vera gel - 1/2 teaspoon


Terms of use

Mix all the above ingredients i.e. raw milk, turmeric powder, aloe vera gel and massage it with light hands and wash it off in cold water after 5 minutes. This will increase the softness of the skin and at the same time will clean the dirt from the skin. You will get back hassle free skin.


3) Upatan and Madhur face wash is one of the 5 natural face washes


What you need to make uptan and sweet face wash-

1. Uptan - 1 teaspoon

2. Honey - 1 teaspoon

3. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

4. Rose water - 1 teaspoon


Terms of use

Apply this mixture of uptan, honey, lemon juice and rose water on the face, massage it for 2/3 minutes and wash it off in cold water. Must be used 3 times a day. If you want, you can store this mixture in the refrigerator for 3/4 days. This face wash is one of the natural face wash.


4) Potato and cucumber face wash

 Potato and Cucumber Face Wash

1. Potato paste - 1/2 teaspoon

2. Cucumber powder - 1/2 teaspoon

3. Sour yogurt - 1 teaspoon

4. Raw turmeric paste - 1 teaspoon

5. Mint leaves - 1 teaspoon


Terms of use

Make a mixture with mashed potatoes, crushed cucumber, raw turmeric paste, sour curd and mint leaves, apply it on the face, massage it for 2/3 minutes and wash it off in cold water. Using this mixture will remove the darkening of your skin and bring elegance to your face.


5) Mint and turmeric face wash

What you need to make a mint and turmeric face wash-

1. Mint leaves - 1 teaspoon

2. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

3. Honey - 1 teaspoon

4. Turmeric powder - 1 teaspoon


Terms of use

Make a paste with mint leaves, cinnamon, turmeric powder and honey and apply it on the face. Wash off after 3/4 minutes. Using this mixture 4/5 can get rid of acne.

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