Normal Skin Cleanser | 5 Beautiful Ways To Keep The Skin Beautiful And Bright!


Today I will share with you some important things about normal skin cleanser. So how do I start talking?

The most important part of grooming is to clean the skin well. Many people think, hey, the skin is cleaned with face wash every day, what should I clean again? But did you know that skin health depends on skin cleansing? There are also differences in skin cleansing according to skin type. Oily, dry, normal or sensitive skin - There are different ways to clean your skin. Even face washes vary according to skin type. More or less everyone is aware of the care of oily and dry skin. But many people are not aware of normal skin. But it is easier to take care of normal skin. Today's article will make this simple task easier.


Normal skin care

1. Clean the skin with cleanser in the morning and at night. Especially after applying makeup, you must clean your face with cleanser.

2. Use a moisturizer on slightly wet skin in the morning and at night after washing the face.

3. Exfoliate the skin once a week with a good scrub.

4. Use skin mask once or twice a week. Use a face pack on the skin, especially after exfoliation.

5. Be sure to use sunscreen or a SPF-rich moisturizer when you go out in the sun during the day.

Ordinary skin cleanser made in a natural way

Usually everyone uses cleanser to clean the skin. But not all cleansers remove dirt from the inside of the skin, again some cleansers make the skin dry. For various reasons, many people prefer to use natural cleansers instead of market cleansers. So learn about some common natural skin cleansers today.



Tokdai adapts well to normal skin. Use it by massaging the skin with some amount of tokdai. After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with water. Not only will it cleanse the skin but it is also very effective in removing dark spots on the skin.


2. Normal skin cleanser pickles and honey

For normal skin, tokadai and honey is an ideal face pack. Make a pack by mixing two teaspoons of tokadai and one teaspoon of honey together. Apply this pack on the skin in a circular massage. Massage the pack on the skin for 2-3 minutes. After 5 minutes, wash the skin with cold water.


3. Eggs and honey

Protein and vitamins needed for fresh and beautiful skin. And eggs are the perfect source of protein. This pack of honey and eggs will make your skin more smooth and fresh. Take one egg white and one teaspoon of honey in a container. Blend these two ingredients very well. Mix some amount of almond paste with this mixture. Apply this pack by massaging the skin in a circular motion. This pack can be used as a scrub. After 10 minutes, rinse with cold water. This pack will cleanse the skin as well as increase the radiance of the skin.


4. Normal Skin Cleanser Apple Face Pack

Everyone knows about the nutritional value of apples as a result. This apple works great as a skin cleanser. Boil an apple. Mash the boiled apple well with a fork. Then make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of cream, one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Use this paste on the skin. Put this pack on the skin for 10 minutes. When dry, wash the skin with cold water. And get clean, fresh and radiant skin.


5. Honey and lemon juice

Lemon cleanses the skin and honey moisturizes the skin. Honey and lemon juice are the perfect cleanser. Sweet anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant ingredients reduce the tendency of the skin to get acne. Not only that, this mixture of honey and lemon helps to remove wrinkles on the skin. Mix two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice together.

Use this mixture on face and neck. Wait until the mixture is dry. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Regular use of these 5 common skin cleansers will keep the skin healthy and beautiful. And the skin will get a different glow, which you always wanted.

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